Wednesday 6 June 2007

American Film instution to Do Another Top 100 US Films List

AFI (not the crappy nu-metal band) are doing another 100 Years - 100 Films list later this month, and I'm always a sucker for lists like this :(

Top 10 when this was done 9 years ago was:

1. Citizen Kane
2. Casblanca
3. The Godfather
4. Gone With The Wind
5. Lawrence of Arabia
6. The Wizard Of Oz
7. The Graduate
8. On The Waterfront
9. Schindler's List
10. Singin' In The Rain

I was surprised to see Shindler's List on that list as films critics are almost always biased towards older films (All that Hollywood's Golden Age bullshit!) and that was only 5 years old when this list was done (maybe it was because it was done in b&w :/). I can't see anything but CK topping the list, howver I do get the feeling The Godfather will leap-frog Casablanca this time, which seems to be losing it's popularity a bit, even though it is the coolest fucking film I've personally ever seen. Hopefully SL will climb a few places to support modern cinema and good old Speilberg aswell.

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